Legislative Obstruction Tactics in the U.S. Congress
Common Tactics Used by the Minority Party:
1. Motion to Recommit – A last-minute move to send a bill back to committee, forcing delays or last-minute changes.
2. Demanding Recorded Votes – Requesting roll call votes on procedural motions and amendments to consume time.
3. Filibuster by Amendment – Offering numerous amendments to a bill to prolong debate (especially in the House Committee of the Whole).
4. Raising Points of Order – Challenging procedural rules to force rulings by the Speaker or Parliamentarian, delaying progress.
5. Motion to Adjourn – Repeatedly moving to adjourn, forcing votes on each motion to slow proceedings.
6. Obstructing Unanimous Consent – Objecting to routine legislative actions to force formal debate or votes.
Elons Musks plan according to AI: Technocratic Feudalism with Neuralink and Eugenics Integration
individual rights would be destroyed.
• The society would be deeply stratified, with the ruling class becoming post-human beings, superior both cognitively and biologically to the rest of the population.
• Ethical and moral dilemmas surrounding eugenics, AI control, and individual freedom would make this system dangerous and unstable, possibly leading to rebellion or collapse.
While the technocratic feudalism combined with Neuralink and eugenics presents a futuristic vision of human optimization, it would also be fraught with dangers that could lead to the total dehumanization of society. Moving forward, society must carefully evaluate the consequences of merging genetic control, cognitive augmentation, and AI governance to ensure that technology serves humanity rather than dominating it.
Neo-Nazi Party of America
If we want the America that continues to punch Nazi Basterds in the face, we need a diverse coalition of Americans to stand with us. I am just going to say this over and over; we cannot be ready with I told you, maybe it will sink in. the people of America have the power to tear the Fascists down, our union will tear the Fascist down.
The Neo-Nazi White House
Elon Musk’s Nazi salute, yes that is what it was. End of story, if you do not believe me; go to work and do it Infront of everyone, see what happens. I dare you. I mean, they think you are all so dumb you will never call them on being Neo-Nazis; they handed you a picture of a Nazi salute in front of the POTUS podium, for gods sake use it every day for the next four years.
Resist the reds
· Rule One: DON’T BE ALONE! Organize an off-line group meet publicly and in person, your local library has rooms you can reserve hang out, chat and have coffee.
· Rule Two: DON’T MAKE IT EASY! Resist, this is key. Don’t let them push you around fight back by any non-violent means possible, protest, sue, shut down the government if that’s what it take. Don’t make it easy.
· Rule Three: NEVER USE VIOLENCE! The use of violence may seem like the best and safest path, but any violence used on them will be played back upon us 10-fold, we must resist the use of violence until it is bestowed upon us, everyone has a red-line, mine is violence against my fellow Americans. How about you?
Resist The Reds!
Welcome to the Chaos!
The next four years don’t have to be defined by fear. They’re an opportunity to resist the powers that be. to build a world that works for all of us. Not just for the few, not just for the majority, but for everyone.
We can redefine ourselves. We can redefine our party. This is an advantage we have because right now, we don’t have a single leader, and that means we get to decide who we want to be.
Why Elon Musk?
Why, is Elon handed the phone to talk to world leader’s, why not the VP-elect JD Vance?
Why, Elon?
Together we can Resist the Oligarcy!
Let me ask you a question? Why, would the worlds richest man “be F@#$” (his words, not mine) if Donald lost? I personally have no idea, and yes that was Elon musk that said that. But irrespective of how we got here it is pointless to lament the decisions and problems, because this is where we find ourselves. Tesla hit over 1 trillion on the stock market cap the other day, who has a nice job in the government? This is how oligarchy works. The supper rich get richer and run the government, than to get anything; you just have to talk to the UN-elected rich guy make him/her richer and hay you got what ever regulation and/or law you like.
Austin Winkelmans - Experience as a candidate
It has not all been bad, 95% of the parades have been a blast. I have actually had people cheering my name, which has to be for me on the most bizarre things for me. At first, I did not really know how to respond the first time it happened in Blane, Mn. I just wanted to hide, but there was no place to hide in the middle of a street full of people. I tried to respond after with gratitude, I just try to have fun at parades and remember that its mostly for the kids with the opportunity to get In front of a lot of people. The parade in Foley, Mn, actually gave me a chance to meet some of my relatives. As my old man tends not to interact with his family much. last, I had seen any of them I was 16 years old at a family reunion. I remember I spent most of my time skateboarding. Everyone was hanging around listening to Babe play guitar and shooting the shit.
Elon Musk, Most Dangerous man in America?
I always felt that twitter (original) was like the little green radio Hitler used Pre-WW2, it is what Donald used to amplify his Message in 2016 and yes even to start the “birth certificate” drama with Obama.
So, When Elon First acquired twitter things changed, suddenly scores of people where fired, then things began to change slowly. The feeds felt different some people felt cut off and comments began to be segregated from each other. It was an interesting period, considering scores of people were fired or quit. But still remained the ability to moderate and just oversee the number of posts and people, I believe he quickly began using AI to oversee the traffic, posts, etcetera.
The trump paradox
Here is where the Paradox gets odd, Donald J. trump can not be tried for January 6th as technically speaking so if Joe Biden where to throw Donald trump in Gitmo for treason and terrorism, Donald would never be able to clear his name as bucket two says he receives immunity for official Acts associated with his job, arguably running for office and holding rallies could be considered an official act.
cronyism in the DFL
Just before the endorsement process concluded, I was invited to the DFL convention in Duluth, MN. Sounded fun, so I registered and paid $150 to attend. Little did I know that they would just reclassify that $150 as a donation and remove me from the list of people allowed to participate in my own parties Event. So, I headed up to Duluth, only to find they did in fact remove me, and then The DFL proceeded to block by email. So, I had no recourse, but to pack it up and go home. Now I have no home among Democrats
Too much Money?
What I found most interesting about this question was the response, 78% of people the level of corruption is Unprecedented and alarming. And I for one am inclined to agree,
Austin On Labor, A story
From time to time, I like to make the joke, that I am Mike Roe without the TV show. Not really that I am anything like Mike, but rather that I have had what feels like an endless stream of jobs over the years. Being a temporary employee for 12-years, I got around seeing the good the Bad and the Ugly as well What worked and what did not in more District 06 Factory’s and construction sights. The vast majority of company’s I worked for where wonderful, but on occasion I would come across one that was entirely on the “up and up.”
VA reform?
I was told when I was hired that if someone was able to do something on their own like put on socks or shoes to let them keep that independence. In reality I would get yelled at because I was spending too much time in each room with the veterans. They were able to get themselves ready, but it took them more time…
Social Security, A hybrid system
Some want to go to a fully private solution, while others wish to keep it in the hands of the government. Both have their downfall, which made me think why don’t we move to a Hybrid system?
In the hybrid system I am envisioning, the Social Security Tax would still be implemented. However instead of the government controlling one considerable sum of money, it would open High interest CD’s or savings Accounts for each individual within the banking system.
Tyranny of the minority in the modern era
Tyranny of the minority is not just something that just occurs between the two parties in this country, to put it bluntly and in more modern terms. Tyranny of the minority occurs when the few in a group such as the republicans or Democrats weald their power to sway the outcome of our political system. For example, MAGA or DFL 06.
CCP Style Ban, tiktok
This used to be a country of freedom, now both Partys just seem to seek control over you and me. Similar to that they used to have over the American people, what we hear what we see. they are more than likely losing control. I believe the reason that TikTok is banned by the CCP is they could not control it, so they banned it.
Slava Ukraini!
At first, I was pleased with the response from my elected officials; sanctions, weapons, Aid funding, it was all good. We moved back into a cold war era stance, which was the correct move. NATO stepped up and did their job, until Putin did what he dose best. Manipulated people