Resist the reds

It is the 21st century, and we now face a resurgence of Communism in America with an Oligarchy twist. Yes, folks we have become Russia In almost all regards. we are about to start a War with Mexico, after all we are amassing troops on the border with Mexico under the false pretense of border security. The majority of Donald orange man trumps “drill baby drill” is aimed at amassing the fuel for war, diesel, uranium and the list goes on and on, as well he has set the stage by seeking MS13 be categorized as a terror organization, while probably deserved. It does provide orange man the ability to use drones and shoot missiles into Mexico. just like he wanted to last time, but legally “justified” this time around.

like Russia and China, we will have state owned enterprise though the creation of the sovereign wealth fund. The administration is going to pitch it as a way to make so much money your head will spin, but in reality, this fund is two things; one is in the name sovereign wealth fund, sovereign: one who exercises supreme permeant authority, especially in a nation or government. So, this tells me it’s a trump slush fund and the second thing this fund will be used to buy private industry, they’re by killing the “free market” in its entirety. Both of which are entirely un-American concepts and communist in nature.

The oligarchy is currently largely comprised of social media CEOs and other silicon valley types, at its head Elon musk our nations neo-Nazi in chief using the algorithms of twitter (now X.con) as the proverbial little green radio, has manipulated the country into believing nonsense and amplifying “The white replacement hypothesis”. Now Elon musk is tapping into treachery to fund the Severin fund, why do you think USAID is scraped? I can tell you that money will go someplace. you would be correct in saying this is a violation of the constitution, but in large part they have been trying to remove that pesky document from public view. They would be happy if you forget what it says and are intentionally making it harder to just read the constitution.

The entire time this is going on, what do you think the large part of corporate media is doing while all this is going on? Playing in large a role of capitulating, collaborating and justifying the admissions rational for a communist takeover of America. Acting much like state media in Russia, regardless of if what I just described to you stems from the fear of the FCC or if they really are in on it doesn’t matter and is a moot point; the point is they are doing it and that’s the problem. It’s dangerous and morally wrong, just like with the Iraq and Afghanistan wars, they actively debated weather we should invade another country for its resources. That is just sickening.

At this point I have painted a bleak portrait of our current situation; in all reality it is. But instead of getting caught up in the deluge of propaganda, executive orders and Elon’s antics. Take a step back, look around at the big picture of what is happening; if you take it bit by bit its easy to miss it, the RED’S have taken over.

• Rule One: DON’T BE ALONE! Organize an off-line group meet publicly and in person, your local library has rooms you can reserve hang out, chat and have coffee. • Rule Two: DON’T MAKE IT EASY! Resist, this is key. Don’t let them push you around fight back by any non-violent means possible, protest, sue, shut down the government if that’s what it take. Don’t make it easy. • Rule Three: NEVER USE VIOLANCE! The use of violence may seem like the best and safest path, but any violence used on them will be played back upon us 10-fold, we must resist the use of violence until it is bestowed upon us, everyone has a red-line, mine is violence against my fellow Americans. How about you?

Resist The Reds!


The Neo-Nazi White House


Welcome to the Chaos!