The Neo-Nazi White House

We absolutely need to talk about the fact that the full government of the united states is fully under the control of the Neo-Nazi party. Now we could sit here and rehash the past reporting on Donald Orange Man Trumps Nazi love, but why? We all know it all already but instead let us look at the more recent evidence.

Ethnic Cleansing Gaza!? First, we all go what, but we have to remember that a nazis favorite past time is ethnic cleansing, I do not exactly think it is a good idea for the Israeli people to trust orange man. Seems like a way for the Neo-Nazis to have a foot hold in Israel, this is not a pleasant thought and its something the Israeli people need warned against before yahoos ambition gets a lot of people killed.

Elon Musk’s Nazi salute, yes that is what it was. End of story, if you do not believe me; go to work and do it Infront of everyone, see what happens. I dare you. I mean, they think you are all so dumb you will never call them on being Neo-Nazis; they handed you a picture of a Nazi salute in front of the POTUS podium, for gods sake use it every day for the next four years.

Being a Neo-Nazi has always been a bad thing in America, its high time we started acting like it is. There was a time in video games when every bad guy was a Nazi, why because it was an acceptable bad guy to shoot; early on in the video game industry they were worried about stuff like this. Now in days it seems the tech oligarchy are trying to whitewash Neo-Nazis in an attempt to make them acceptable or at least any reference to them being Neo-Nazi’s this indicates one thing, weakness. For a week or so now I have been having a grand old time making memes calling them Neo-Nazis and for about a week now TikTok has been taking down my Neo-Nazi PSA’s, not cool. So, the strategy now should be to push the NEO-NAZI point, if we can spread the word effectively, we have the potential to take 2026 and probably beyond. Being a Nazi party tends to set you back a bit with the people. Remember at the end of the day it comes down to each one of us, we cannot rely on a president to come and save us. We have to take it into our own hands.

Peace love, People. #NAZIBAD


Neo-Nazi Party of America


Resist the reds