Help us spread word about Austin Winkelman’s Campaign!
Indirect Volunteer program:
Austin Winkelman or Austin4rep will not supply stamp/postage or any printing materials.
This is a completely voluntary campaign; no reimbursement will be given for time and/or materials.
Digital Files can be Acquired by clicking the button under the image of the card you would like to send or visiting our discord server.
Print post cards Printed 4x6 paper double sided W/minimum margins. Place self-provided stamp, send.
Print a flyer on eight-by-eleven paper then hand it to someone!
Post a virtual yard sign, showing support!
make a social post of support!
print fundraising cards double sided on 3.5x2 paper/card stock, Hand out fundraising Cards.
Thank you for your support, time, and effort.
Free use; pleas feel free to wright your Own Copy, using this vision of the 28th amendment as temple. the IDEA, not the text!
Other ways to Help!
Go to and download the app to voice your preference, learn more about candidates up and down the ballot.
· learn
· become informed
While I am not a very active social media user, I to try to post regularly.
TwitterX - stream of random thoughts and tom Emmer attacks.
Facebook & threads - General information and generic updates.
Personal Facebook - open for all you creepy creepers to creep on!
Linked in - Job history and sparce campaign updates.
YouTube - random videos (cross-post from TwitterX)
TikTok - not used much... need to change that. some random videos.
Discord - download and help distribute campaign materials.
We are a Grassroots Campaign, we have received $0.00 from PAC's, lobbyists or any other such organizations. a FACT, we are extremely proud of and one we will continue as long as we are in this fight. We have chosen the harder path of self-funding our campaign, to keep big money’s hands off our strings.
With that said, we thank each and every one of you for your donations, please continue so we can keep in the fight.
I have a limited supply of yard signs I am looking to give Away!
After which you will be able to buy them in the store, this promo will only last until the supply runs out.
That is right, I will give it away, as well Austin Winkelman will hand deliver the yard sign to you, so you may call him a fool personally.
Would you like your friend to meet Austin Winkelman, talk a bit about politics?
You can host Austin to do just that. use our web-form or email us today!
You too can call Austin a Fool, then proceed to tell him what to do!
Contributions are the STRONGEST way to support our Campaign.
Thank you!

To Form a
Perfect union
Finding a Location to Vote!
Or How to Vote, In Minnesota
In Most states the easiest way to find polling locations is to visit your states Secretary of States office website.
As well the SOS website will have update information on your states Rules and Regulations regarding elections, we highly recommend taking a look to see how they affect you Personally.
in some states you can Request an Absentee or Mail Ballot, my favorite way to vote. in some cases, allow early voting.
if you are living abroad or in-listed in the Military (Thank you!) and deployed you can request an Absentee ballot with your states SOS office.
Did you Vote Absentee? you can track your Ballot in most states.
In some states, same day voter registration is available. LUCKY for us Minnesota is one of the states to allow same day Registration!
There are more ways to register to Vote, as always, we recommend your states Secretary of States office for information on how to Register.
Knowing when to show up to vote is often one of the easiest things to inform yourself with. The SOS keeps a nice calendar of Voting events including, PRIMARY voting and General. make sure you check your states SOS website to find the details.

Resources for running for office:
To run for office, you must visit the Federal Election Commission (FEC) and your state's election authority.
Have a disability?
NCIL’s non-partisan Elevate: Campaign Training for People with Disabilities
The websites of the Democratic and Republican parties are useful for people who want to run for public office.
“The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary.”