The Dem’s lost?

Well after taking in the news, watching some “Fake News,” and taking in the races that I fallowed such as AOC, Sherrod brown, Illian just various races around the country I can definitively say Woke is not broke. The problem came from an abrupt message change, sending voters into a confused state making them untrusting of their elected officials. People like AOC and Illian who did not change their messaging all that much won, where as people like john tester and Sherrod brown chose to message more like Republicans depressing there turn out and costing them the election. This is something I have seen across the country and even yes here in Minnesota as well. I have also found major structural problems in my local Party the DFL, just for example lets look at district 06. Anoka +20 Emmer Wright +35 Emmer Carver +15 Emmer Sherburn +39 Emmer Benton +38 Emmer Hennepin +38 Emmer Average +28 Emmer

+28 is not insurmountable odds. The places Mr. Emmer Ran away with it Sherburn for example have no leadership or organization of any kind, thus Emmer Had no competition. Other places dubbed up on the leadership in county thus they offered little resistance more than likely having to split resources. As well I will admit, when People say the Democratic Party Left behind the working class, they are right, again I am going to The DFL as they are closest to me, not that I have issues with them or anything, but. There is every kind of Caucus you could produce, Native, Black, Asian, Jewish, museum, rural. But there is no Labor Caucus? It is kind of in the name Demorcratic Farm and Labor. Seems we got the democratic part and the rural… but the Labor bit is Missing. So, between Messaging, local party structural problems and let us face it the American Oligarchy. We lost fair and square, and the only one to blame is ourselves and that will be the hardest part for the pompous leadership of the Democrats to understand. Self-examination is the only way out, its also the hardest way out. Joe Scarbro said it best; “Take a week in France and think about it,” This is the kind of pompous elite behavior Americans dislike and by the way that is exactly what you do not want to do. Do you think average people could take a week in France? Get back to your roots, get back to the People and get off your butt we got work to do. Together We Can Resist!


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