Neo-Nazi Party of America

Regardless of if we chose to admit to our self’s that we as Americans elected a Neo-Nazi Party or not is beside the point, eventually people will come to this conclusion on their own. I’m just hoping it’s not going to be too late, we will just have see how fast reality hits them in the face and it will. When it dose hit the average trump voter, we need to be prepared not with I told ya’s. we need to be prepared with; Cool, here is how we can help each other! We cannot grow a resistance if you push away people who got taken to the cleaners, lied to cheated and stolen from. In this respect we are all no different, we just reached a conclusion sooner than they did. After all that is your brother, sister, aunt, and your family. If we want the America that continues to punch Nazi Basterds in the face, we need a diverse coalition of Americans to stand with us. I am just going to say this over and over; we cannot be ready with I told you, maybe it will sink in. the people of America have the power to tear the Fascists down, our union will tear the Fascist down. I mean, these people have devolved into reject cartoon villains, you actually see the Neo-Nazi uniform its PJ’s or reject foot clan outfits; how is this joke of a group even scary? Have you seen Elmo Musk? He acts like a reject alexander Luther, did you see some of the practiced positions he was standing in, makes you wonder how long he dose that with his reflection. Then you have Donald orange man trump, he is trying to be the evil emperor from star wars, I mean come on did you see the AI art Garbage for his portrait? It looks like he is holding a flashlight under his face, because he does not know what a ring light is. I have no fear of a Joke, I do not know about you. Will they probably make my life annoying, yes more than likely, Sa la vie. It is worth it. Keep in mind you can tell a Neo-Nazi by how they feal about DEI.

Resist The Reds


Elons Musks plan according to AI: Technocratic Feudalism with Neuralink and Eugenics Integration


The Neo-Nazi White House