CCP Style Ban, tiktok
TikTok and data security, Is that really the concern? Or alternatively is it more simply they cannot control the narrative? To me the latter is more likely the case, the data that is being sited to be stolen by TikTok are keystrokes, browser history, location, device information. Sorry to say but this is nothing in comparison to what data is available to anyone with some cash and a data broker. With just your standard social media such as Facebook you have the ability to gain; status updates, life events, religious beliefs, Profile information (name, birthday), contacts (phone, Email), engagement, click-through rates, likes, shares repost. Witch is then sold to anyone with the cash to buy it. The only thing that sticks out is the Key-logger. But odds are there is a key logger on your phone and or Desktop right now and you have no idea, Key loggers have been a problem since the early 2000’s.
With all out data just being sold I do not see the Chinese communist party needing to steal it, why steal what you can buy? If there is some mastery classified data that will lay out what The CCP has been doing with the “stolen” data. I do believe the American people deserve to see it. Otherwise, they have no justification for a full out ban, but going agents the will of the American people is something OUR elected officials just do nowadays. No consideration to weather we care or not, we all just assume everyone from the NSA to the CCP are spying on us. Taping on our VPN and doing whatever they do. What is next, are they going to start banning books? Oh, sorry they are doing that.
This used to be a country of freedom, now both Partys just seem to seek control over you and me. Similar to that they used to have over the American people, what we hear what we see. they are more than likely losing control. I believe the reason that TikTok is banned by the CCP is they could not control it, so they banned it. I see similar reasoning in the USA banning TikTok now. So, witch social media giant, are we going to “allow” to buy US TikTok? Facebook, X? is it going to be the one that plays the Nicest with the American Government? Banning TikTok may be the end of net-neutrality, we need less CCP style control from both of our Partys and we need them both to get back to ensuring that WE the American People have more Freedom not Less.