Join The BlackFlag Democrats TODAY!

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Send A headshot or selfie back with the singed pledge,

we will add you to our list of supporters.

  • The Black-flag Democrats are open to anyone, local, state, and federal candidates from across the country, to individual American citizens. We are a constantly growing community of activists, independent media professionals and anyone who cares for democracy.

    Former MAGA are welcome, while we may not agree completely on most things we can agree the wealthiest among us have corrupted our system of government. We will never hold it against you, we do not even have to discuss it.

    At the End of the day the Black-flag Democrats are an anti-corruption group, it takes more than one side of a made-up Red V. Blue System. If this is a cause, please feel free to join us and fight back from the outside.

  • So, why join? Our goal is to connect, share information, news, and happenings offline and on; as to keep ourselves and our community’s as informed as possible. In an age when people increasingly distrust the corporate news media, it is more important to form a community, regain trust in each other and the information passed on.

    With your help we are Going to build a thriving community of informed individuals. We will be discussing numerous current events as possible, in a better effort to understand the world we are stuck in. We need the help of influencers, bloggers, independent journalists, concerned citizens. To help spread the American Anti-corruption Message, stand up to the wealthy and make a difference.

    A small group of dedicated individuals can change the world, will you be one?

  • Well, if you are reading this then you must find yourself interested, am I correct?

    If so, all you have to do is sign the pledge and return it to us Via email at or use our discord server (Currently being Set up), drop it off and get involved with the group. We aim to share information, resources, talents, and skills to make an unstoppable force of the People.

    What are you waiting for?

    Get your name on the list of Democracy supporters and get in the fight.

  • We are an organization group dissemination of credible information, organization, and support for our individual goals. As such we have no headquarters, we may have a lot of activities and events happening across the Country by Different organizations, individuals.

    To this end, we offer support and community to each other in our overarching goal of reducing and eliminating the corruption that takes place between corporations, wealthy oligarch class and the government.

    If we work together in this common goal, they cannot stop us.

  • We pledge to strongly uphold the Democratic Party's platform, principles, and values, while reserving the right to dissent if we believe the party misuses its authority or strays from its standards and morals. While the Black Flag Democrats support the Democratic Party, our commitment to the United States and its people comes first. We vow to root out corruption and abuses of power within the party, expose them, and remove them. We are a coalition of citizens, candidates, and lawmakers dedicated to the principles of Constitutional Democracy, where the pursuit of liberty and freedom for all remains the highest priority for both the United States and the world.

    As Black Flag democrats: we give No Quarter to the enemies of Democracy.

    WE VOW:

    to stand in direct opposition to any authoritarian government regardless of whether it is origins are foreign or domestic.

    ·        Uphold the Constitution in its entirety.

    ·        Root out American Corruption.

    ·        Uphold progressive Social Democracy for the people.

    ·        Root out Authoritarian Corporate Communist.

    ·        Stand against billionaire oligarchs.

    ·        Refuse to participate in corruption.

    ·        View no red states or blue states to instead Represent the entire United States.

    ·        Uphold the law to the best of our abilities.

    ·        Amend the Constitution to modernize and reimpose checks and balance to the government, business. using the constitution of the united states of America.

    ·        See no: class, creed, ethnicity, or heritage; treat people as individuals and not groups of people.

Your thoughts and comments?

You can help shape discussions in our community.

We need everyone to share their views, drop us a line!

Upcoming events.

A Calendar of events to include: Black-Flag Democrats, Protests and Other Events across the country.