The American Cyber Defense.
Since about December 11th I have been under almost constant assault on-line, State sponsored cyber-attacks. Witch state is unclear. but regardless of how scary and fun it was all at the same time, it has been one of the most fascinating experiences of my life. At one point I walked outside and threw up from the stress, which was a new experience for me.
But in the end, it made me better, so I am grateful for the difficulty the cyber attack forced me to build my “Ground Game” witch at the end of the day is what I will need to win the election. But in all reality, I did not want to wright about the attacks and how annoying they were. I could spend the rest of this article crying about how we need to do something, but I would rather tell you about the idea I had to deal with the problem.
If America was to institute a new organization the ACD, The American Cyber Defense. This organization could act like the FBI investigating crimes that occur in the on-line realm, taking a bit of the work off the FBI; allowing them to focus on crime in the physical world. If the ACD where developed properly it could not only act as an investigator, but as well it could act in the defense of and for the Offense of America in cyber operations.
So, who has the skills we would need to form such an organization? Well, the Hacker naturally! You don’t jail someone with the skill set to break into your most secure systems, that’s just short sighted. Instead, we should higher the hacker with the skills to brake into our secured infrastructure to defend us. See hackers come in a variety of flavors. most just get board and like looking at stuff they shouldn’t, this Camp I like to call gray hats. The next camp I refer to as white hats they pass time by finding flaws in code and then selling the information back to the company to help improve their security. Then there are the black hats, they like to steal information, Attack, and just cause all-around havoc.
The world has grown smaller, with the advent of the internet, but we have also allowed the cyber world to go WILD. Everything from individual actors attempting to scam or steal your personal Data to entire hacking enterprise that are paid for by rival governments, cyber war has become a problem; me and you are just the collateral damage.
Fortunately, we have the ability to put new cops on the beat, I got cops on my block to keep me safe. Seems to me we could use some cops up on the internet keeping me safe.