About this event t's time to meet the Trump/Musk ultimatum of "Fork in the Road" mass firing of patriotic, hardworking civil servants & their coup to overturn our democracy with "Pitchforks in the Road" to "Stop the Coup." There has never been a time in this country when we have come closer to the brink of a Constitutional Crisis since the Civil War (& some experts feel that we are currently in free fall) & actions that are being taken by the White House are going to be dramatically affecting all of our lives in a way just as seriously (if not more) than the lead up to WWII. Who woulda thunk that we'd ever have to fight fascism/nazis in our own shores.... And it's clear that, while this will affect all of our lives in a dramatic/surrealistic way, it will affect all of who are not lily-white & male, more than others. We need to put on a show to send a message to the White House, that Nashville is a great blue city in a ruby red state, & that we are united: what affects one, affects all....
So, grab yer pitchforks (no, really, don't bring any pitchforks or other weapons!) & join us for a FLASH MOB PROTEST:
Event description: flash, peaceful protest w/ signs
& music
Meeting Place: in front of the TN State
Route: 348 steps (or .16 m) to
TN State Capitol
Time: 11:30am - approx. 1:30pm.
it only takes about
5-10 min to travel the
route, participants
can leave at any time
Details: on website (pending), some
details on t-shirt link
T-shirts: available but not required