Help us spread word about Austin Winkelman’s Campaign!

  •  Austin Winkelman or Austin4rep will not supply stamp/postage or any printing materials.

  • This is a completely voluntary post carding campaign; no reimbursement will be given for time and/or materials.

  • Post card designs can be Acquired by clicking the button under the image of the card you would like to send.

  • Print on 4x6 paper double sided W/minimum margins.

  • Place self-provided stamp, send.

  • Thank you for your support, time and effort.

  • Print a flyer then hand it to someone!

  • Post a virtual yard sign.

  • make a Social post.

Other ways to Help!

  • Go to and download the app to voice your preference, learn more about candidates up and down the ballot.

    ·         learn

    ·         become informed

    ·         VOTE!

  • While I am not a very active social media user, I to try to post regularly.

    • TwitterX - stream of random thoughts and tom Emmer attacks.

    • Facebook & threads - General information and generic updates.

    • Personal Facebook - open for all you creepy creepers to creep on!

    • Linked in - Job history and sparce campaign updates.

    • YouTube - random videos (cross-post from TwitterX)

    •   TikTok - not used much... need to change that. some random videos.

    • Discord - download and help distribute campaign materials.


To Form a

Perfect union

Resources for running for office:


To run for office, you must visit the Federal Election Commission (FEC) and your state's election authority.

Have a disability?

NCIL’s non-partisan Elevate: Campaign Training for People with Disabilities

The websites of the Democratic and Republican parties are useful for people who want to run for public office.

The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary.
— H. L. Mencken